Hello I'm

Yamini Yadav

Penetration Tester.

I am student of engineering in computer science
coming for about my make skills.

About Me

Penetration Tester

A penetration tester, commonly known as an ethical hacker, is a cybersecurity professional specialized in simulating cyberattacks on computer systems, networks, and applications to identify potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses. Their primary objective is to proactively assess the security posture of an organization and provide valuable insights and recommendations to strengthen its defenses against real-world threats

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Network Scanning

Using specialized tools to explore and map the structure of computer networks, identifying open ports and potential access points.

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Social Engineering

The art of manipulating people into revealing sensitive information or taking specific actions that compromise security.

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Vulnerability Assessment

The ability to analyze and evaluate computer systems, networks, and software to identify potential security weaknesses or vulnerabilities.

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Website Testing

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app testing

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system hacking

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Software testing

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Complete the task of tryhackme.p>

DVWA Vulnerability

find out vulnerabilitiesof DVWA .

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Design By Yamini Yadav